I live in Seattle. These are things that catch my attention, pique my interest and/or make me want to pass notes in class like a 7th grader
I have set reading goals for myself every year since 2009 and I always fall short, until this year. Being disciplined about reading more, be it short or long books, fiction or non-fiction, has definately been worth the effort. I met some wonderful characters. I learned a bit about the workings of the world and the human heart and I am the better for it.
Below is the full list. Titles in bold are some of my favorites.
Jonathan Safran Foer, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
I love this passage so much. Anyone who travels or moves with frequency knows all too well, our center is constantly shifting. Of course, so is everyone else’s. But at some point you pause, and in that pause you realize that you no longer have a singular home. There is no one place the come back to because the people and things you care about stretch across the map like a web. Your happiness is fractured. To varying degrees, everywhere you go something or someone is always missing.
Here is hoping in 2012 the missing is outweighed by the end of missing and the lions share of that particular impatience can be laid to rest.
Eva and I returned from Ecuador, where I spent a week explaining to everyone who tried to talk to her that she only spoke taco (ie, pollo, carne asada, dos, etc). On the day before we were leaving she decided to ponerse las pilas (literally put her batteries in) and learn some spanish. My goddaughter and I taught her to say the following, which will almost certainly never be relevent.
Permiso. Permiso. Emergencia. Es una fiesta de corbata negra? Tengo que traer me caballo negro? Si lo es, tengo que hacer una llamada. [pausa] Es una fiesta de caballo negro? Tengo que traer mi corbata negra? Tengo que hacer dos llamadas.
Excuse me. Excuse me. Emergency. Is a black tie party? Should I bring my black horse? If so, I have tomake a call. [pause] Is this party a black horse party?Should I bring myblack tie? I have to make two calls.
Eva can make it all the way through this after extensive practice. Though she pauses in all the wrong places, it is still a charming effort. Bien hecho, friend, well done!
My roommate is BELTING Adele’s Chasing Pavements upstairs. I am 95% certain she thinks no one is home. This is going to be awkward when I have to walk through the kitchen.
Total fly on the wall situation.
Me, in response to some confusion over whether or not I have a pretty large tatoo on the side of my neck.
What is most awesome is that I said this to someone in the office who I momentarily forgot does have a neck tatoo. He got over in about a second, but I still feel bad. Why must my foot rest so comfortably in my mouth?
I request the highest of fives.
In 30 days, Eva and I will be off to see la familia! I absoultely cannot wait to introduce my favorite ecuadorians to one of my dearest friends. We are going to sleep in and drink fresh juice everyday and have dance parties and probably make some taco jokes. It is going to be incredible.