apsies: Because of Barack Obama
- I’m driving a nice new car that I needed desperately. (Cash for Clunkers)
- I owe less to student loans because of a pell grant increase my last year of school.
- I’m on my mom’s health insurance until I’m 26. (I previously wasn’t allowed on her policy.)
- My reproductive rights, as a whole, are still safe.
There are other things I’m probably forgetting but these four are HUGE.
So Mitt Romney can say Barack Obama has failed America all he wants. However, I know for a fact that Barack Obama has done more for me and protected me more than any Republican president would have.
I was able to maintain my health insurance after I got laid off because of federal COBRA subsidies that made it affordable
When transitioning to my new health insurance I did not have to worry that any services would be denied due to pre-existing conditions
- The federal government is concerned that I am paid equally for equal work as proven by enforcements for equal pay for women (Lilly Ledbetter Bill)
- The old and run down subsidized housing in my neighborhood is being replaced with new, energy efficient subsidized apartments and homes in a mixed income community. This created hundreds of much needed construction jobs, better integrates the community and allows those in subsidized housing nicer accommodations so they can live with more dignity.