I live in Seattle. These are things that catch my attention, pique my interest and/or make me want to pass notes in class like a 7th grader
The process of coming into your gender identity is different for everyone. In this family, when a mother and wife announced that she was transgender, ten years into a marriage, everything could have changed. But instead Les’s family stuck by him through his transition and beyond.
This story is short and immensely sweet and gives me faith in people’s ability to see past gender differences and accept each other for who they are.
“A lot of it was me,” Scott says. “Because it became clear that I would be perceived as gay. But I realized that I didn’t fall in love with a couple of body pieces. I decided this is the person.”
“And I was still the same person,” Les says.
“More so. More like the fun person I remembered from 30-odd years ago,” Scott says, “than before the transition.”
Les tells his husband, “Right … right. I mean … it’s just been amazing to watch you. You stuck with it. You persisted. And, every year my respect for you grows and grows.”
Read it. Listen to it. I promise it’ll be worth it.
Justin Bieber: Never Say Never
Dreams come true. Thank you, JE.
Sometimes you are having a really long week and then the universe reaches over, taps you on the shoulder and reminder you that you have the most amazing people in your life. The kind of people who post Sister Act clips, the kind of people who make Back in the Habit references on their Facebook status updates (thank you Jess Agi) and the kind of people who send you funny giraffe pictures. You all improve my life.
Peter Berg Reveals Friday Night Lights Movie Plot — Vulture
Yes, he is the MOST PERFECT HUMAN.
(via jennyjennybobenny)
So excited for this movie. I miss these characters.
(via apsies)
Kristen Bell’s sloth meltdown on “Ellen.”
I AM LAUGHING SO HARD. She is the best.
What I take away from this:
a) Kristen Bell is the best.
b) Hope remains that someone will find my emotional irrationality adorable.
I should have watched this sooner. So good.