I live in Seattle. These are things that catch my attention, pique my interest and/or make me want to pass notes in class like a 7th grader
Feel-good story of the day: The man who used Google Earth to find his long-lost family. Saroo Brierley was only 5 when a train zoomed him hundreds of miles from home. It took 25 years and a technological revolution for him to get back.
“I kept in my head the images of the town I grew up in, the streets I used to wander and the faces of my family.” Brierley spent hours on Google Earth zooming around for clues, obsessively looking for something, anything that he recognized. Finally, he identified his hometown: Ganesh Talai.
Read the full story
Technology for the win.
This is all your fault, Wikipedia! After 244 years, the Encyclopedia Britannica will go out of print and continue digital editions online.
“Britannica was one of the first companies to really feel the full impact of technology, maybe 20 years ago, and we have been adapting to it, though it is very difficult at times,” Jorge Cauz, president of Encyclopaedia Britannica Inc., told Reuters.
The company will keep selling its physical volumes until the current stock of about 4,000 sets runs out.
It is the end of an era.
(via theweekmagazine)
Garrison Keillorapsies:
xkcd - A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language - By Randall Munroe
This one goes out to my mom.
Obama spokesman Bill Burton, as “Obama Staff Arrives to White House Stuck in Dark Ages of Technology:” washingtonpost.com (via somethingchanged)aja:
A thief learned the mistake of trying to steal a law student’s laptop last week after after becoming a punching bag for an Arizona State student he tried to rip off. Armed with a baseball bat, the intruder, Gabriel Saucedo, allegedly climbed through an open window into Alex Botsios’ apartment, waking the student and threatening to smash his head in.
Botsios was willing to let Saucedo take his wallet and guitars. Then the robber made the mistake that ultimately landed him in the hospital — he went for the laptop. According to Botsios, he said “Dude, no — please, no! I have all my case notes…that’s four months of work!” Saucedo, obviously underestimating the fury of an overstressed, overworked first-year, was unsympathetic. That’s when Botsios could take no more.
Wrestling Saucdeo to the floor, Botsios separated the bat from the thief and repeatedly punched him in the face. When it was all over, police had to get Saucedo stitched up before charging him with armed robbery and kidnapping, while Botsios only suffered some scrapes and a bruised knuckle. Most importantly, at least to the student, is that his laptop, which he called “his baby,” escaped unharmed.
Clearly it is important to know your limits as a thief and pick up on social cue, “like stay away from my baby/laptop” and other important things that can turn slam-dumk into slammed-in-the-head.
“im sorry i cnt dont h8 me”
I just heard that text message is the second most popular way to break up with someone, closely behind breaking up in person. Whatever happened to breaking up via post it?
I guess if Carrie Underwood can break up via text its good enough for the masses, but I am still hesitant.
If the predictive texting seems like too much effort, you can also make a custom breakup email by clicking a few boxes like the sample below:
Dear , I’m writing you this email because I think our relationship has run its course. It’s not easy to carry on a successful relationship with someone like you. And by that, I mean someone who is downright stupid, you feebleminded dimwit. Oh yeah, I almost forgot to point out that you’re pure evil, a characteristic that most people do NOT appreciate. You might want to work on that. What really breaks the deal is your horrible grammar. Srsly d00d, learn 2 rite a sentance! Hatefully yours,
My apologies if you have received this letter in the past and are only now discovering it is a form letter.