I live in Seattle. These are things that catch my attention, pique my interest and/or make me want to pass notes in class like a 7th grader
“im sorry i cnt dont h8 me”
I just heard that text message is the second most popular way to break up with someone, closely behind breaking up in person. Whatever happened to breaking up via post it?
I guess if Carrie Underwood can break up via text its good enough for the masses, but I am still hesitant.
If the predictive texting seems like too much effort, you can also make a custom breakup email by clicking a few boxes like the sample below:
Dear , I’m writing you this email because I think our relationship has run its course. It’s not easy to carry on a successful relationship with someone like you. And by that, I mean someone who is downright stupid, you feebleminded dimwit. Oh yeah, I almost forgot to point out that you’re pure evil, a characteristic that most people do NOT appreciate. You might want to work on that. What really breaks the deal is your horrible grammar. Srsly d00d, learn 2 rite a sentance! Hatefully yours,
My apologies if you have received this letter in the past and are only now discovering it is a form letter.