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accioharo reblogged this from i-o-u-a-fall and added:
To be fair to the people saying that, I doubt they meant they’d reelect him just because of this barring entry thing. I...
mynameisgrey reblogged this from i-o-u-a-fall and added:
i-o-u-a-fall reblogged this from aniskywolf and added:
^ i hate to be the one to say it, but i think the economy has to come first. lgbtq is a serious issue and violations...
aniskywolf reblogged this from accioharo and added:
Not to be a spoil sport… and I really like all this… but this shouldn’t be the only reason to re elect someoneBut God I...
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isawbreadpeople reblogged this from kittenmogu and added:
I’m not completely sure this is the best idea he’s had… I mean, it could slow down the process of people who, say, are...
homurathetimelesbian reblogged this from kittenmogu and added:
Guess who’s definitely, hands down, going to get re-electedddd~
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indemnis reblogged this from gaywrites and added:
Alright Obama
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whisperingwasp reblogged this from caterfree10 and added:
THIS IS WHY PEOPLE SHOULD VOTE FOR THIS DUDE AGAIN. Frick the economy, we know that’s only going down the tubes because...
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givingmydays reblogged this from andercrissfinch and added:
all the awards to obama!
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theraccoonhat reblogged this from transqueery and added:
Oh wow yay
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