Office by Alex Penny

freckles make me strong.

I live in Seattle. These are things that catch my attention, pique my interest and/or make me want to pass notes in class like a 7th grader

March 18, 2012 10:00 am
theweekmagazine: Feel-good story of the day: The man who used Google Earth to find his long-lost family. Saroo Brierley was only 5 when a train zoomed him hundreds of miles from home. It took 25 years and a technological revolution for him to get back. “I kept in my head the images of the town I grew up in, the streets I used to wander and the faces of my family.” Brierley spent hours on Google Earth zooming around for clues, obsessively looking for something, anything that he recognized. Finally, he identified his hometown: Ganesh Talai.  Read the full story  Technology for the win.


Feel-good story of the day: The man who used Google Earth to find his long-lost family. Saroo Brierley was only 5 when a train zoomed him hundreds of miles from home. It took 25 years and a technological revolution for him to get back.

“I kept in my head the images of the town I grew up in, the streets I used to wander and the faces of my family.” Brierley spent hours on Google Earth zooming around for clues, obsessively looking for something, anything that he recognized. Finally, he identified his hometown: Ganesh Talai. 

Read the full story 

Technology for the win.

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    Feel-good story of the day: The man who used Google Earth to find his long-lost family. Saroo Brierley was only 5 when a...
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